Joseph Haydn
Haydn, who created a new genre in the historical trend of the transition period.
Franz Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer of the Classical period and he lived from 31 March 1732- 31 May 1809.
Haydn, Symphony No.94 in G Major Haydn has humorus character. In Haydn's woThe Symphony No. 94 in G major (H. 1/94) is the second of the twelve London symphonies written by Joseph Haydn. It is popularly known as the Surprise Symphony.rk, you can see his humorous personality, which is Symphony No. 34, nicknamed "Surprise Symphony." .
Haydn wrote the symphony in 1791 in London for a concert series he gave during the first of his visits to England (1791–1792). The premiere took place at the Hanover Square Rooms in London on March 23, 1792, with Haydn leading the orchestra seated at a fortepiano.
Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, those three people live in a same moment or era. and they knew each others and had little connection. Those three great artists called Classicism.
Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata exhibition in Paris in fall of 2024

phography : Kyungmin Hwang from Media C Magazine
Tremendous chairs made of woods tumble out of a window and down through the courtyard of Dover Street Market Paris
as a part of an installation works by Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata.
With a slightly dreamy and fantastical aspect, there are various views on whether it's pouring out of the window or the chairs on the floor going into the window.
Of course, there are many opinions that it is poured out of the window by gravity, but the interpretation of this work, which has an unrealistic, funny, and fantasy appearance, can be expressed unrealistically.
There is an opinion that installation art is that the audience can feel the work in the space created by the work as a smaller being than the work, and that the connection between the work, the artist, and the audience becomes tighter by filling the individual part of my space with the space around me or where the work created by others should have been filled with air like air.
Some of the installation artworks move through nature, create large installations made of large cloth and wood, and move them by nature, especially the wind. As in this exhibition, installation art in everyday spaces in the city is more friendly and art with people in that it is art with people. The most representative examples are the decorations of department stores for Christmas installations, which seem to be in a fairy tale or fantasy movie.
The work was exhibited at Dover Street Market, 35-37 rue des Bourgeois, Paris, and France from 21 September to 5 October 2024.
The project is titled 'Avalanche'.

phography : Kyungmin Hwang from Media C Magazine