With the development of IT, also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the fashion industry is investing heavily in the digitization of metaverse, AI, NFT,and more
Writed by Kyungmin Hwang
According to the British research company named 'Global Data', French luxury fashion group "LVMH" is focused on digitally transforming operations using artificial intelligence, cloud-based mobile applications, and AR, according to British research firm Global Data. LVMH's annual ICT spending in 2023 is estimated at $1.3 billion. Much of this spending is allocated to acquiring software, hardware, and ICT services from suppliers.

In a popular class named 'Seminar on Market Economy' at Korea University, a prestigious university in Korea, the professor carried some information about a promising industry in the future and polarization with and without it. For this reason, all industries are spending a lot of money integrating science and technology with their industries and doing their best not to fall behind.
According to a research company named 360iResearch, the market size of the online fashion retail market is expected to reach $37.51 billion in 2024, $42.8 billion in 2024, and $96.79 billion in 2030, with an average annual growth rate of 14.50%.
It's good to be ready for growth in 10 or 20 years, but it's also important to preserve the unique value of the way we've traditionally done it so far.
It is important to be seen on camera like a drama or movie, but the unique value of the field is also too important for that, and creating a festival that is different from digital should also preserve its preciousness as an artistic performance form that proves the brand's value as an uncommon and unusual event in the digitalized world.
Milano Fashion Week Men's Wear Fall/Winter 2025 is going to be held from January, 17th to January 21th. And also Paris Fashion Week Men's Wear Fall/Winter2025 is going to be held from January 21th to January 26th in Paris, France.
At the upcoming fashion weeks, you will be able to experience a piece of the digitalized fashion industry.